The Marketing Value of Marketing Automation
Six ways marketing automation helps prove value and drive success. As a marketer, digital transformation...
Power Superior Customer Experience with an Intelligent Data Catalog
No matter how much data you have about your customers, you can only understand what they need and expect...
Winning the Race to go Digital in B2B
Digital is the New Differentiator. Changing buyer preferences, ever-growing competitive threats, and...
Zeven digitale best practices voor juridische professionals
Branche-experts voorspellen dat succesvolle ondernemingen binnenkort alle transacties 100% digitaal verwerken....
The Cognitive Revolution: Coming to Transform Your Business Network
Cognitive technologies, also known as artificial intelligence, are perhaps the most transformative of...
Global Trends Study
Digital experience personalization is a major priority for global business leaders and investment plans...
The Definitive Guide to Lead Nurturing
Today's buyers engage with brands and companies through their own research across multiple channels,...
Forrester: Digital Ups the Stakes for B2B Sales
Nearly four years after forecasting that 1 million B2B salespeople would be displaced by 2020, Forrester...
The Definitive Guide to Marketing Automation
Every business has one thing in common: the desire to achieve higher revenue and faster growth. But many...
E-signaturen 2020: nutzungsszenarien und chancen
Elektronische Signaturen sind mittlerweile Mainstream. Recherchen im Rahmen dieses Berichts haben ergeben,...
A Marketer's Guide to Customer Experience
Delivering relevant, timely, personalised customer experiences is no longer just a competitive advantage...
The right time for real-time marketing
In a climate of rising customer expectations, now is the right time to refine your use of inbound channels—it...
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