Deliver individual experiences to achieve incredible results
We demand it in all aspects of our daily lives. Wherever we interact – in person or online – we want...
The Right Time for Real Time Marketing
Today's digital marketers want to engage customers with offers that are based on deep customer profiles,...
Driving customer experiences with impact
Customers: To delight them, you've got to know them deeply. Be brutally honest, how much do you really...
Building a Robust Experimentation Capability
Organizations like Microsoft, Amazon, and Google are turning to experimentation to relentlessly pursue...
Trades and transactions
For many companies, the sales team sits at the heart of its profitability. Its ability to operate efficiently...
Customer Workflows Book of Knowledge
The biggest business story of the last year was the impact of COVID-19 on the way we work and live. What...
The Digital-first Toolkit
Over the past year, society has proven we can be effective, creative and productive working from anywhere—even...
5 Skills managers need to lead in the next normal
With the work landscape rapidly changing, the challenges ahead will require unique solutions. We surveyed...
From ad hoc to optimized.
People are fed up with technology that makes work harder than it has to be. In fact, Adobe's 2021 State...
B2B Digital Commerce: Understanding Customer Expectations
Now more than ever, an enterprise's ability to understand the needs of their customers and respond quickly...
Digital Asset Management Comparison Guide
If you are on the hunt for a Digital Asset Management (DAM) solution, you have probably already done...
Inleiding in Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM)
Ontdek hoe Contract Lifecycle Management (Contractlevenscyclusmanagement of kortweg CLM) helpt bij het...
The Definitive Guide to Digital Asset Management
We all inhabit a world of digital chaos, where the demand for agile marketing has resulted in an overwhelming...
Evolving your customer journeys to the next normal
Investing in great outcomes for customers and employees. The road to exceptional customer service has...
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